Children of Cambodian

Children of Cambodian
Matthew 19:14 But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.”

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Thank to GMC Singapore team

Family For Mission would like to thank God for He sent GMC team to come to Cambodia to bless His works. We blessed by having GMC Singapore team with us in thses last three days at Phnom Penh and in Stung Trong, this is a great apportunity that GMC Singapore team could come to pray and bless the youth of Hannah's House and Gideon's House student centers, Hannah's Church, Children at Preah village, Law Chan village, people at Back Anlong, Boeung Kat and congregation at Stung Trong Church. As we are servants of God we work together, we could see so much God has move and touching so many people's lives.
On behalf of Family For Mission, once again i would like to thank to GMC Singapore team for your humble heart and your hard work in Cambodia. May the Lord Jesus bless you.

Below are the picture of GMC team with Boeung Kat Church blessing children at Law Chan village.