It was another amazing mission trip to Battambang province(Thai's border). Battambang is a place that God gave us with many good relationship with Pastors Church's leader along Thai's border, which this mission started since 2005. As a Pastor fellowship team we are(Pastor Sarun, Pastor Vanna, Pastor Sarath, Pastor Sowath and Buntoeun) for sure we knew in our heart that God called us for this kind of mission to build relationship with those isolate Churches around Cambodia especially along Thai's border to stand with them help them by sharing our experences that we had with Jesus Christ and fellowship with them to get them to maturity of Christ.
This trip we Praise the Lord for the opportunity to meet with those Pastors and Church's leaders, which some of them are the privious Khmer Rouge and now God put them on possition to lead His Church. One of the Pastor said "as a Khmer Rouge army, I did a lot of sin in my life i treated on people very badly, when I met Jesus I felt guilty, but by the Grace of God He saved me, He forgive my sin, and I can't make sin again". After i have heard this testimony it really help me to see how big BIG and Graceful of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
From village to village visited home churches, pray for the sick people, preach the Gospel and we leaded two man in a coffe shop to the Lord Jesus, Praise Jesus. And we did a half day seminar at Pastor Sokhom's Church and we finished with water Baptism for 15 adults and five children.
Great joy to meet with children of God, we are blessed and everyone we met they're blessed, we had such a great joy and like the joy that Mary and Elizabath had when they met each other.
thank those who contribut the money for reading glases, people are very happy when they able to read their Bible with those reading glases.
From now we will call our Pastor fellowship team name(Borderless Mission Team).
Borderless Mission Team invited to go back to Thai's bother again in Feb 2012 for two day seminar. Please continuely pray with us.
May the Lord bless you.
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